DLPDI Holds Training on Skills for Marriage and Family Therapy
Posted on April 08, 2022 in Infospot
From April 6 - 8, 2022, Daystar Leadership and Professional Development Institute (DLPDI) held a 3-day training on Marriage and family therapy at Daystar University Nairobi Campus.

From April 6 - 8, 2022, Daystar Leadership and Professional Development Institute (DLPDI) held a 3-day training on Marriage and family therapy at Daystar University Nairobi Campus.
The workshop attracted 34 participants, key among them family therapists, ministers of the Gospel, Medical doctors and church leaders.
Speaking on the topic: Foundations of marriage and family, Bishop Sammy Gitaari encouraged participants to establish the mind of the creator regarding marriage and family, urging them to keep that foundation strong.
Rev. Gregory Kivanguli submitted that material things are tools to serve God rather than hold onto. He urged marriage partners to aim to minister to each other rather than take away. “The way you perceive yourself will affect the way you interact with your spouse,” he advised.
Training together as a couple, Rev. Dr. Patrick Musembi and Mrs. Ruth Musembi covered the topic: Communication, friendship and intimacy in marriage. “After living with people for some time you get to understand them better and know their behavior hence, if you want to influence them, you need you speak their language,” advised Mrs. Musembi. On his part, Rev. Dr. Patrick Musembi shared on parents-children relationship, using the parenting model based on Luke 2:52.
The delicate topic of Family Law was undertaken by Ms. Peninnah Oloo who covered the legal aspects of marriage and its cluster types, dissolution, and succession. Her training session was interactive as she addressed queries from trainees.
The organizer Prof. Abraham Waithima trained on financial planning and management in marriage. His session covered the key principles about money in marriage.
“Your beliefs about money determine your financial outcome,” he advised.
After the three days of training, the participants wrote an exam, followed by a graduation officiated by the Ag. DVC-ARSA Prof. Martha Kiarie. She lauded the participants for choosing to sit in the workshop for three days as they learnt how to save the family. “When the family is safe the church is okay,” she submitted.