Vice Chancellor calls community to genuine repentance
Posted on October 24, 2022 in Infospot
On Tuesday October 4, 2022, the Vice-chancellor, Prof. Laban P. Ayiro gave a sermon titled: ‘Create in me a clean heart,’ drawn from Psalms 51: 1-12, through which he called the University community to self- examination and genuine repentance

Vice-chancellor gives his sermon at the Main Campus Athi River Chapel - September 4, 2022
By Patience Mwangangi
On Tuesday October 4, 2022, the Vice-chancellor, Prof. Laban P. Ayiro gave a sermon titled: ‘Create in me a clean heart,’ drawn from Psalms 51: 1-12, through which he called the University community to self- examination and genuine repentance
Exponding further, Prof. Laban Ayiro brought out the need to go before God in genuine repentance as he cited 2Thessalonians 2:13 which talks about salvation through sanctification. The VC encouraged the Daystar fraternity to seek forgiveness, saying it paves way for the process of cleansing to commence.
Giving the example of David, the VC challenged the congregation to take God to the basement of their hearts where dirt (sin) is hidden. “I plead that we confess our sins on daily basis, repent and turn away from sin,” he urged, adding that if each person prayed for his/her cleansing and engaged in spiritual search of heart, then God would do much for Daystar University.
The Vice-chancellor’s sermon without doubt, touched the hearts of students, staff and faculty.
In the meantime, at the same chapel, the Chief Manager HR, Mr. Pius Muia presented and introduced newly appointed Faculty who were commissioned and dedicated to God, by Rev. Dr. Perminus Mburu, as they begin their service at Daystar.