Certificate in Media Studies

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About Course

About Course


The certificate in Media Studies is designed for students who wish to acquire media skills after attaining the relevant qualification. After completing the certificate in media studies, students who qualify may pursue communication, journalism, and media studies at higher and specialized levels such as the diploma and the degree.

The Course will equip the students with the essential communication and media knowledge skills to enable them to: efficiently meet the basic demands of the media sector, appreciate the professionalism expected of media personnel worldwide, to serve and transform the church and society.

The course is pegged at the professional level and hence puts emphasis on acquisition of media theory and practical skills.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the University requirements for admission, the applicant must fulfil the minimum entry requirement for this program which is a D+ (Plus) in KCSE or its equivalent.


All final course grades for units offered by the certificate course are computed as follows:

  • Skills-based course will require a demonstration of progressive mastery of the skills with 75% of the marks awarded for practical work and 25% on the theoretical assignments.
  • Marks for courses that involve both conceptual understanding and acquisition of skills will be calculated as follows:60% from continuous assessment and 40% from the final examination.
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