Class of 2003 celebrates Reunion 20 years since graduating
Posted on December 12, 2023 in News
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - Nairobi]. Daystar University alumni Class of 2003 converged at the Nairobi Campus Council Room on December 12, 2023, for a Reunion Luncheon hosted by Daystar University Alumni Association.

Class of 2003 during the Homecoming event- December 12, 2023
[Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - Nairobi]. Daystar University alumni Class of 2003 converged at the Nairobi Campus Council Room on December 12, 2023, for a Reunion Luncheon hosted by Daystar University Alumni Association.
This is a tradition in which Daystar University honors each class that graduated 20 years back. This year, the Class of 2003 was honored with presentation the Order-of-the-Towel during the 46th graduation ceremony held on November 10, 2023.
During the graduation ceremony, the class representative received a Towel similar to the one she received in 2003, while the rest collected their towels during the reunion. In Daystar University’s traditions, the Order of the Towel signifies servanthood, as demonstrated by Jesus when he washed the disciples’ feet.
Forty-three members attended the re-union, with about twenty others following the proceeding via zoom. The Class also sang the hymn, I pledge allegiance to the Lamb, which they last sang together 20 years ago, as a reminder of their commitment to serve God and the humanity in the marketplace.
Excitement filled the air as the former classmates reconnected and reminisced about their days at Daystar University. For some, this was the first time they had come back to the University for the last 20 years.
Senior Faculty member in the School of Communication Dr. Lean Komen, who is also a member of the Class of 2003, led the introduction session. The session was very interesting as the Class recalled some of the funniest incidents that happened to them as students. One of them shared how he tricked his parents into staying in Hostel C off-campus, without their knowledge.
Dr. Komen called on the Class to support their Alma Marta. “The Alumni office needs your support which can be given through various methods including mentorship, scholarship support, internships and job opportunities for Daystar students among others,” she said.
The DUAA Board Chair, Ms. Rose Mwaura encouraged the Class of 2003 to form Class chapter to enable them decide how to plug into the University. “Let’s support our University and particularly the students through mentorship and creating jobs and internship opportunities,” she urged, further encouraging the Class to live the Vision and Mission of Daystar University in the marketplace.
Representing the University was the Director, Resource Mobilization, Ms. Jacqueline Mathaga, who said, “You are doing great in the marketplace. You are the reason we can stand tall in this Nation. You are the reason Daystar University was recently voted the best University in the region.” Ms. Mathaga further invited members of the Class to visit her office to discuss possibilities of partnership between Daystar University and their organizations.
Ms. Magdalene Kiyeng, who is in charge of the DUAA office, encouraged the Class to form their own chapter and work together to identify what they can do to support their university, while the PRO, Jean Murungi recounted the developments in the University and invited members of the Class of 2003 to enroll in Masters and PhD programmes. She also invited the Class to visit Athi River Campus to witness the growth.
The re-union which was scheduled to end at 12:00 noon went on until 3:00pm but even then, people were reluctant to leave.
With renewed friendships and reconnections, the Class went home with a resolve to work together as a team under their new leadership comprising: Paul Achar, Chair, Dr. Joyce Omoha, Vice-chair, Joyce Ronoh, Secretary and Mary Ndungu, Treasurer.