Daystar University breaks ground for a poultry farm unit construction
Posted on January 12, 2022 in News
On Wednesday, January 12th 2022, Daystar University held a groundbreaking ceremony for the upcoming poultry farm project at the Athi River Campus. The ceremony which was attended by Senate and Management was led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Laban P. Ayiro and his deputies Prof. Faith Nguru, DVC-ARSA and Dr. Evans Amata, Ag. DVC-FAP.

On Wednesday, January 12th 2022, Daystar University held a groundbreaking ceremony for the upcoming poultry farm project at the Athi River Campus.
The ceremony which was attended by Senate and Management was led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Laban P. Ayiro and his deputies Prof. Faith Nguru, DVC-ARSA and Dr. Evans Amata, Ag. DVC-FAP.
The poultry farm is a project domiciled under the School of Human and Social Sciences. Speaking at the occasion, the Dean of the School Dr. Kennedy Ongaro, explained that the idea of putting up a poultry farm came about as a challenge from the Vice-Chancellor following his visit to Maryland University, in the USA, last year.
Dr. Ongaro observed that the main objective of the poultry farm is to utilize the extensive land at Daystar and support the community. Further, he promised to put minds and skills together to ensure that upon completion, the farm will feed Daystar University and its adjacent community.
Prof. Faith Nguru, DVC ARSA urged members of the university community to bring in their expertise to ensure the poultry farm becomes a great center in the institution.
The Ag. DVC-FAP, Dr. Evans Amata welcomed the idea of the poultry farm stating that land is a useful resource that can generate money if put to proper use and that Daystar University was on the right track.
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro called on those present to be men and women of faith to see the realization of this great dream that is set to position Daystar University as the best center for research on matters of poultry farming. “Such projects should renew our faith in God and determination in hard work,” he said.
The project comes at a time when Daystar University is set to roll out the School of Agriculture.
Prof. Laban P. Ayiro attributes the triggering of this project to his visit to Maryland University, USA.
“Let us use whatever we have however little to make Daystar University poultry farm a productive unit holding between 5,000 and 10,000 birds. With this we will be able to attract Maryland University to run the project,” said the Vice-Chancellor.
He also promised to put up a spirited fundraising drive to finance phase one of the poultry farm. The project is set to create employment and wealth for the University.